Uaw Fca Contract 2019

The UAW FCA (Fiat Chrysler Automobiles) contract negotiations for 2019 have been a hot topic in the automotive industry. With the end of the previous contract looming, many were wondering what would become of the relationship between the union and the automaker.

After months of negotiations and a contentious strike by UAW members, a contract was finally reached. Here`s a look at some of the key elements of the UAW FCA contract for 2019.

Wages and Benefits:

One of the primary concerns for UAW members was the issue of wages and benefits. Under the new contract, FCA workers will receive a $9,000 signing bonus, an increase from the previous bonus of $8,000. Additionally, there will be a gradual increase in wages for senior employees, eventually reaching $32.32 per hour. The contract also includes improved health care benefits, with no increase in premiums for workers.

Temporary Workers:

Another issue that was addressed in the new contract was the issue of temporary workers. Under the old contract, FCA was allowed to have up to 25% of its workforce made up of temporary workers, who are often paid less and have fewer benefits than full-time employees. Under the new contract, that number will be reduced to 20% immediately, and eventually down to 8.5% by 2023.

Job Security:

Job security was another key issue for UAW members. Under the new contract, FCA has pledged to invest $9 billion in its U.S. factories, creating 7,900 new jobs. Additionally, they have committed to moving production of some vehicles from Mexico to U.S. factories to help protect jobs.

The UAW FCA contract negotiations for 2019 were long and difficult, but in the end, both sides were able to come to an agreement that addresses many of the concerns of union members. With improved wages and benefits, reduced reliance on temporary workers, and a commitment to job security, UAW members can feel confident that their needs were taken seriously and addressed in the new contract.

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