Can a Fixed Term Contract Be Made Permanent

Can a Fixed Term Contract Be Made Permanent?

If you`re currently working on a fixed term contract, you may be wondering about the possibility of it becoming a permanent role. The answer isn`t a straightforward yes or no, but there are a few things to consider.

Firstly, it`s important to understand the difference between a fixed term contract and a permanent contract. A fixed term contract is for a specific period of time, such as six months or a year, and has a defined end date. A permanent contract, on the other hand, has no end date and is ongoing unless terminated by either the employee or employer.

In some cases, a fixed term contract may include a clause that provides the opportunity for the contract to be extended or made permanent. This could be based on factors such as the success of the project or the performance of the employee.

If your contract doesn`t include such a clause, there`s still potential for it to become a permanent role. The first step is to discuss this possibility with your employer. It`s important to approach this conversation in a professional and positive manner, highlighting your skills and contributions to the company and expressing your interest in staying on in a permanent role.

Your employer may have certain criteria for making a fixed term contract permanent, such as meeting specific targets or demonstrating a good attitude and work ethic. It`s important to be aware of these criteria and work towards meeting them.

Another option to consider is seeking out other permanent roles within the company. If you`re a valued employee with a good track record, there may be other opportunities available that are more suited to your skills and experience.

Ultimately, the decision to make a fixed term contract permanent lies with the employer. However, by demonstrating your value to the company and expressing your interest in staying on in a permanent role, you may be able to increase your chances of securing a permanent position.

In summary, while there`s no guarantee that a fixed term contract can be made permanent, it is possible. By approaching the situation in a positive and proactive manner, and working towards meeting any criteria set by the employer, you may be able to secure a permanent role within the company.

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